The Egyptian civilization was one of the world’s great civilizations. It was different from the rest of Africa, because the flood waters of Nile nourished it every year, turning the area near Nile fertile. The far away lands were still deserts. The natural borders of desert and Mediterranean sea provided good protection to the Egyptians, and they flourished for thousands of years until Roman conquest.
The Egyptian Kings were called Pharoahs, and were as revered by their subjects as Gods, Hieroglyphics, the sacred inscription, found in their buildings let us decipher a lot about their lives. Hieroglyphs is a language made up by using pictographic symbols for letters and sounds. A name in hieroglyphs will be written in an oval box called Cartouche. Egyptians used Papyrus reeds to make paper, baskets and boats!
They strongly believed in Afterlife and would bury their pharaohs in pyramids with all the things he might need in afterlife. They mummified the body using naturally occurring salts called Natron and wrapping the body in bandages. The stone coffin in which mummies were kept are called sarcophagus.
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