The Human Body is truly the most wonderful machine on Earth. It performs so many complex and complicated tasks, that we cannot understand them well as a whole. So, we divide the body into various Systems in order to aid our understanding.
1. Nervous System:

The central nervous system consists of the Brain and the Spinal Cord. The five sensory organs – Eyes, Ears, Skin, Nose and Tongue provide outside information to the Central Nervous System. The Brain is an amazing computer, that controls the whole body. The left side of Brain control the right side of the body and vice-versa. Spinal Cord is the Brain’s assistant, and is connected to the body via 32 different nerves. In cases of danger, Spinal Cord acts on its’ own (Reflexes), thus allowing immediate response.
2. Skeletal System:

Bones form the framework of our body. Our Bones are very light, yet strong enabling us to move around safely. Bones protect the soft internal organs, and manufacture new blood too. Blood is made in the soft insides of a bone, called Bone Marrow. Bones are made up of a mix of chemicals, most important of them being Calcium.
3. Muscular System

: Muscles form the bulk of our body. They join the bones to each other, and thus result in movement. Brain directs muscles for any desired movement of the body. Muscles also act involuntarily (without your control), to digest the food, to shut the eyelids etc. Even your Heart is actually a very strong muscle!!
4. Respiratory System:

Breathing is essential to life. We breathe to take in Oxygen, and take out Carbon-di-oxide. Our Lungs are the organs that are used for breathing. They expand and contract like a Balloon in order to breathe. This oxygen is then mixed with Blood, and thus reaches the cells of our Body.
5. Circulatory System : Blood forms the core of the Circulatory System. It moves around in millions of tiny tubes, taking nutr

ition and oxygen to all body cells, and collecting toxins in return. The Heart pumps the blood all around the body. The oxygen rich blood is red in colour, while the oxygen poor blood looks blue. Heart has four chambers, Arteries(to carry good blood out) and Veins(to bring bad blood in.)
6. Digestive System:

We eat, because our body needs nutrition to grow, to function and to sustain itself. But the food we eat has to be broken down in very basic, small units to become really useful for our body. The process of breaking down the food into small, useful pieces in called Digestion. Digestion starts in the mouth with our biting and chewing. Saliva plays a major role too. Then this chewed food goes down the Esophagus into the Stomach. Esophagus is like a one-way slide. The Stomach stores all the food you eat in one meal, and then sends it to the Small intestine. Small intestine does the most of digestion, and the big intestine further absorbs the remaining water and nutrients left. Liver, Our largest organ, has a major role to play here. It removes the Toxins from our body, and also controls the amount of key nutrients that go in our blood, storing the excess for future.
Isn’t the Human Body a marvellous thing? Let’s be thankful to the God for providing it, and let’s take good care of this wonderful machine we have!!!